skincare routine — the steps

I’ve been noticing great and steady improvements on my skin over the past few months, so I felt it was safe to make a skincare routine video. then I realised it would be impossible to talk about everything thoroughly in ONE video, hence this first one: the steps I take and type of products I gravitate towards every morning and evening.

the hormonal breakouts are to be dealt with whenever they come by, and the signs of ageing are the inevitable fate of my skin that I try to prevent as much as I can with this skincare, but I’ve noticed that my skin is overall a lot healthier, smoother, denser, more balanced and soft to the touch, with less hyper-pigmentation and texture. one must be happy when one saves on foundation.

for today, here are the steps I take on my routine — which I consider generic enough to suit most people — and the types of products I consider to be the responsible for this improvement on my skin.

I strongly suggest that, if you haven’t already, please follow Caroline Hiron’s blog and YouTube channel. She is my guiding star with the best sense of humour out there.

eating healthy, drinking enough water, exercise, sleep properly and avoid stress… we already know all that. now here are the additives:

in the evening:

. double cleanse with balm/oil and washcloth
. acid tone
. retinoids

in the morning
. gentle cleanse
. hyaluronic acid
. anti-oxidant

I may add or remove some things depending on specific needs that may occur, but this is my steady base. I find that the conjunction of the retinoid in the evening and the anti-oxidant in the morning have been the main cause of my skin’s improvement.

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